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Birchwood Nursery School

Statutory Information

 Contact Information

Details of how to get in touch with us and the names of our key contacts are given on our Contact Us page.

School Opening Hours

The Nursery's hours of operation are 9am to 3pm, Monday to Friday (30 hours per week).

Optional wraparound care for Nursery is provided from 8am to 9am (Breakfast Club) and from 3pm to 4pm (After School Club) on a fee-paying basis.

The Preschool's hours of operation are 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday (35 hours per week).

Optional wraparound care for Preschool is provided from 8am to 9am (Breakfast Club) on a fee-paying basis.

Admission Arrangements

Please follow the link to our Admissions information for both our Nursery and Preschool provision and for information relating to 15 hours and 30 hours Free Childcare.


Birchwood Nursery School has been graded OUTSTANDING by Ofsted in the last 4 inspections. To see our latest Ofsted Inspection Report in our 'About Us' page please click here Ofsted

Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act requires us to have a publication scheme, approved by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), and to publish information covered by the scheme. 

We have adopted the ICO's model publication scheme.

We have also produced a Guide to Information, which details the information that we publish and how it is made available, and a schedule of fees.  


 We have details of our curriculum here Curriculum (Teaching and Learning menu tab)

Behaviour Policy

Our Relationship and Positive Behaviour Policy, including the governors' written statement of behaviour principles, can be found here

 School Complaints Procedure

Birchwood Nursery takes every concern seriously and we will do our best to resolve your concern immediately before it can become a complaint. If you would like to understand the processes that we have in place please see our complaints procedures

Early Years Pupil Premium

We publish our EYPP report at the end of each academic year.  This details the income that we receive and how we use this in order to support our eligible and other children Click Here

 Equalities Objectives     

    Equalities Information (including Equalities Objectives)

     All learners are of equal value
     We recognise and respect difference                                                             

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Information

SEND Policy

SEND Information Report 2024-2025

Accessibility Plan

Remote Learning

In exceptional circumstances where the nursery is closed for any prolonged period of time, we will provide remote learning activities and support via Tapestry.

Financial Information

You will be able to see the financial information for our school on the DfE Benchmarking Website 

We do not have any members of staff with an annual salary of £100,000 or more.


From this link you can view all of Birchwood Nursery School's Policies 


