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Birchwood Nursery School

Pupil Premium

Early Years Pupil Premium Funding (EYPP)

Early Years Pupil Premium is a sum of money given to schools each year by the Government to improve the attainment of disadvantaged children in the early years. Funding is received for children whose parents are in receipt of certain benefits, such as income support, or who were formerly in local authority care because they were adopted or were subject to a Special Guardianship or Child Arrangements order. This is based on research showing that children from low income families perform less well at school than their peers.

The amount of EYPP grant is £353 per year for children who meet the criteria for the funding. The money is intended to directly benefit the children who are eligible for Early Years Pupil Premium. All children have access to the highest quality of teaching at Birchwood and a rich, exciting and engaging curriculum is at the heart of our offer. We have used this money to contribute to the cost of a range of interventions, support programmes and experiences. This contribution ensures that the children are supported in their learning and make the best possible progress during their time with us.

We carefully track and assess each child’s progress and attainment across the school on a termly basis, and this is discussed with their Key Person. A member of the Senior Leadership Team is responsible for the analysis of data and this is drilled down in order to facilitate and target action for improvement.

Planned EYPP Spend 2024 -2025

The EYPP spending will focus on supporting the children with their personal, social and emotional development, communication and language skills and physical development. All children will take part in Forest School Sessions and some children will receive targeted nurture support by an experienced practitioner. Quality interactions between adults and children is a key priority and staff will focus on developing and extending the children’s vocabulary across the curriculum. Regular cooking sessions will take place and children will be encouraged to think of ways to keep themselves healthy, through food choices and exercise.

birchwood eypp strategy statement 2024 25.pdf


Prior Year EYPP Spend

For an analysis of how EYPP funding was spent in 2023-2024 and the impact of the early years pupil premium funding, please read the document below.

EYPP Strategy Statement 23-24