Children can start in the Preschool after their 2nd birthday. Applications can be made throughout the year and sessions will be allocated subject to availability.
To request a place for your child you can either contact us by email or by phone or fill in the online form below. We can offer full day care or sessional care for 38 weeks of the year.
Online Application form for Birchwood Preschool
If you would like to visit the Preschool in advance of applying, we will be holding open afternoons on the following dates from 3.30 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. To book a place please click on your preferred date. Alternatively you can contact the School Office on 01707 262648 or email
Wednesday 5th February 2025
Children are eligible to start at Nursery in the Autumn Term of the school year they will reach their fourth birthday (their fourth birthday must fall between 1st September and 31st August). Children can remain in the Nursery School until the term they reach their fifth birthday.
We offer FREE 3 hour sessions mornings 9.00 a.m. -12.00 p.m. Monday to Friday, term time only. Parents eligible for 15 hours of provision only have the option to purchase the afternoon session (subject to availability) in addition to their funded hours on 2 or more days per week. This extra session (12.00p.m. to 3.00 p.m.) is priced at £21 per day. Parents wishing to purchase these extra sessions do so on the understanding that the commitment is for the full academic year. Children attending all day sessions will be provided with a cooked meal for which there is a charge (currently £2.53 per day).
We also offer 30 hours provision for parents who work, please see details under the “Nursery Our Provision” tab.
In addition, we offer a Breakfast Club and After School Care – details of charges are on the Birchwood Preschool page.
A copy of our Admissions Policy is available below:
In Year Admissions 2024-25
If you have a child born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021 wishing to commence their Nursery provision immediately please telephone us on 01707 262648 for our current availability.
Admissions 2025-26
If your child was born between 1st September 2021 and 31st August 2022, they will be eligible to join our Nursery from September 2025. You can apply for a place by submitting the application below.
Online Application form for Birchwood Nursery School
A copy of our prospectus is available through the link below and provides information about our curriculum provision and information on how we encourage and support our children to become lifelong learners.
We will be holding a series of open afternoons from 3.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Parents will have the opportunity to look around our provision and speak to members staff. You are welcome to bring your child with you. To book onto one of these sessions, please click on your chosen date and complete the short booking form. Alternatively you are welcome to ring the School Office on 01707 262648.
Our next open afternoon will take place on:
Wednesday 5th February 2025
If you wish your child to commence sooner than September 2025, please make an application to our Preschool (see above).